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The Baptism of the Lord

12th January 2025


Our Lady of Lourdes, Arnside

St Charles & St Cuthbert, Grange

Christ the King, Milnthorpe


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12th January 2025



This Sunday’s Scripture: Baptism of the Lord: Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity made man. At His baptism He takes on our sins. He identifies with the mysterious suffering servant of the Old Testament; the saviour who was to take the sins of His people upon Himself. Jesus comes to suffer with us and for us. He willingly carries out the design of the loving Father to save us, and therefore He is the ‘beloved’ of the Father.



The funeral service for Val Malone will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Friday 17th January.  Mike invites all parishioners, the Parish Family, for refreshments afterwards at the Grange Hotel.

St Charles’ church open 9.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Saturday.

Contemplative Prayer Group: Thursdays 2pm in Presbytery sitting room.

Morning Prayer in church 10am Thursday followed by Rosary. PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Morning Prayer on Friday 17th January.

Diocesan Directories 2025 on sale in porch - £6.00.  Money should be put in the “Magazines and Periodicals” box in church porch.

Crib Offering Box at Altar Step: The Crib collection this year will be sent to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.  Bishop Paul asks that we keep this collection open until the Feast of the Lord's Presentation - 2nd February 2025.

SVP Sudan Appeal: Many thanks to all who contributed to the recent SVP appeal for the South Sudan babies feeding stations. We raised £920, which with Gift Aid will be over £1,000. Well done to you all.

The figures for the Offertory Collections in December are :

Offertory Collections £2727.06;  Special Collections £443.56.



Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - January 18th-25th 2025

All are invited to all or any of the gatherings below for 15-30 minutes of prayer for Christian Unity. Please stay afterwards for refreshments and fellowship. The theme of at least some of the reflections will celebrate the 1700 th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, after which the Nicene Creed became a powerful tool for Christian Unity.

Monday January 20th: 10:00am at St Charles Church, Grange

Tuesday January 21st: 10:00am at St John’s Church, Flookburgh

Wednesday January 22nd: 10:00am at St Paul’s Church, Grange

Thursday January 23rd: 10:30am at Grange United Reformed Church

Friday January 24th: 10:30am at Grange Methodist Church


Cartmel Quakers: Please join us if you can for a Peace Meeting on Friday 24th January at 10:30 am at the Meeting House in Haggs Lane. Half an hour of silence will be followed by tea and coffee. All are welcome. 

We are planning to hold these meetings on the fourth Friday of each month. But please check the emails or contact us each month to make sure they are happening, because we may occasionally have to change the date.


Churches Together meeting on Tuesday 14th January at 7.00 pm at St. Paul's church Grange.  All welcome.



House Group (CTK): meets twice a month, usually Tuesdays, 7-9pm at Sioban’s home in Yealand. Every 5th or 6th meeting is a social one. If interested in joining us please contact Sioban (07803 967617) or Deirdre (07468 535830).

Christ The King church can be open for private prayer at any time. ask any member of the PPC for the door lock codes. (PPC members and contact details on noticeboard in entrance hall).

Pastoral Parish Council Meeting Milnthorpe/Arnside:  The next meeting is on 13th January.  If there are any issues you wish to put to the PPC, please place in the box at the back of the church.

White Flower Appeal 2025: There will be a retiring collection for the White Flower Appeal for SPUC after Mass on Sunday 12th January.



Our Lady of Lourdes open for private prayer daily. 10am - 4pm.

Adoration: Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament at 2pm, followed by the Rosary, every Tuesday.

Arnside Christians Together: Sunday 19th January - the annual service for Christian Unity will be held, this year, in Our Lady of Lourdes church at 3.00pm.  Please support this very important day in the church's calendar.


Please pray for those of our parishes who are sick:

Geoff Critchley, Michael Carter, Pam Gee, Brian Mills, Eileen Parker, John Browne, David James, Angela Taylor, Philip Barry, Alan Wild, Pat Duckett, Monica Farnworth, Geoff Guy, Ira Fishman, Mary Wainwright,

Bernard Walker, Alex Davies, Margaret and Burt Wilson, Margaret Godfrey.


Please also pray for those whose anniversaries occur about this time.


A Year of Hope: An Introduction to the Jubilee Year with the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development

2025 is a Jubilee year, but what does that mean? Catholic talk show host and author Nana Churcher, and CAFOD’s Simon Giarchi will be hosting Fr Jan Nowotnik (Director of Mission for the Bishop’s Conference), Christine Allen (CAFOD’s Director) and Kayode Akintola (CAFOD’s Head of Africa) and more for a lively start to the Jubilee. With a special appearance by Catholic band Ooberfuse. Saturday 18 Jan, 10:30am-midday, online. All welcome. Register here for free:




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