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Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

6th October 2024


Our Lady of Lourdes, Arnside

St Charles & St Cuthbert, Grange

Christ the King, Milnthorpe


YouTube, Facebook : Please search for Kent Estuary Catholic Churches.  Website:




6th OCTOBER 2024


This Sunday’s Scripture

Jesus makes clear the difficult teaching on the sanctity of marriage. This teaching is relevant to us all. It is about God’s plan for building up society, so that we may all live the fullness of life. It says we must all, married or not, persevere in building up our family, our community, and our church. We Christians are to think family, whether by supporting our married people, or supporting our local community or the family of our church.




We Dare to Say: The Holy Year begins on 1st December. At the request of the Pope, we are asked to prepare ourselves for the Holy Year with a course on the meaning of the Our Father. Members of our churches will speak further about the course at the end of Mass this Sunday. It is best done in small groups and will be an important part of keeping together our communities during times of change.


Mission Prayer:  I recommend this prayer to all.

Prayer Anchors: Please keep saying the Mission Prayer. More copies available in small or medium sizes.


Parish Pastoral Councils (PPC): The PPCs will become increasingly prominent from 3rd November. They are there to encourage and support the parish in all the work that is done. If you have any questions or difficulties, be free to speak to a PPC member. Shortly, members names (with photos) will be put up in our churches.


KECC Office Move: The parish office is now on the ground floor of St Charles presbytery, facing the ramp and nearest to the door. Our secretary is contacted in the usual way (see end of this newsletter)



Presbytery Roof Repair: Part of the roof to St Charles Presbytery is failing. The matter is being considered by the Property Department of the Diocese with a view to doing the work soon.  Many thanks for the generous donation by Agnes Matthews of £1500.00 towards the repair. We are very grateful.

Grange: Doorkeepers & Site Inspectors: Part of our mission is to keep open our town centre church of St Charles. It is used by many for prayer and a place for quiet and reflection in the presence of Our Lord.  I thank Len Gee for agreeing to make up a rota for opening and shutting the church from 3rd  November. Please agree to form part of the rota if asked.  Also, a rota of site inspectors will be needed to make regular inspections of the property and make sure it is safe and secure. Again, please be open to doing this necessary duty. These are jobs previously done by the parish priest.


The revised edition of the People's Sunday Missal, which comes into effect

from Advent 2024, can now be ordered. Price £19.95.  For further information please speak with Liz P. or Deacon Joe.

Contemplative Prayer Group:

Held on Thursdays in Presbytery sitting room at 2pm.

Morning Prayer in church 10am Thursdays and Fridays followed by Rosary on Thursdays and by Adoration (Exposition) on Fridays.

Mothers’ Prayers:  The next meeting will be at Lois’s house (Malabar, Allithwaite) at 2pm on Monday 7th October.

Coffee Morning: The next coffee morning will be held at Thornleigh on Tuesday 29th October (from 10.45am).  All welcome.  If you are unable to arrange a lift, contact Christine on 33868 or Sheelagh on 83750.

SAVE THE DATE:   SUNDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 3pm - Fr.Philip's Retirement 'Do'.  Further details to follow - please sign the list at the back of St. Charles' church if you wish to attend. Thank You.



House Group (CTK) meets for friendship, discussion and prayer, usually twice a month:  7.00 - 9.00pm at Sioban's home in Yealand.  Also a social get-together every 3 months.  Please call Sioban (07803 967617) or Deirdre (07468 535830) for details.

Christ The King church can be open for private prayer at any time. ask Fr Philip or any member of the PPC for the door lock codes. (PPC members and contact details on noticeboard in entrance hall).

HARVEST SUPPER: St. Thomas’s Church in Milnthorpe have kindly invited us to their harvest supper on Saturday 5th October at 6.30pm. The tickets will be £12, there will also be a raffle.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to go. Jean Birch.
MISSIO Red Boxes (Milnthorpe and Arnside):  Please bring your box to either Milnthorpe or Arnside and hand it to Mary Salter or Wilf Gill. Any problems, contact Mary Salter 07540603378. Thank You.

Hot Pot Supper to mark Fr. Philip’s retirement 

Friday 18th October at Christ the King Hall, Milnthorpe at 7pm. Tickets are £12 and will be available from this coming weekend.  Jean Birch.



Our Lady of Lourdes open for private prayer daily. 10am - 4pm.

Adoration: Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament at 2pm, followed by the Rosary, every Tuesday.

Arnside Christians Together: Harvest Supper Thursday 3rd October, 7pm at the WI and Village Hall, Orchard Road.  Tickets £12.00. (available from all 3 churches in the village). All welcome.



Please pray for those of our parishes who are sick:

Geoff Critchley, Michael Carter, Pam Gee, Brian Mills, Eileen Parker, John Browne, Jenny Hodkinson, David James, Angela Taylor, Philip Barry, Cathy Mayes, Alan Wild, Pat Duckett, Monica Farnworth, Frank Jordan, Geoff Guy, Ira Fishman, George Inchmore, Mary Wainwright, Fr Alf Parker.

Please also pray for those whose anniversaries occur about this time.


“Stillness & Song” - Grange Methodist Church. Sunday 6th October,

6-7pm. Quiet, reflection and song in the style of the Taizé community. 



• A week on Care for Creation (5th  – 12th October)

• Advent Hope in Health weekend (6th  – 8th December)  or email:


‘BRINGING COMMUNITIES ALIVE’ Event, Saturday 12th October 10.30am - 3pm at Lancaster Cathedral Social Centre.  Speakers will include: Bishop Paul Swarbrick, Sir John Battle and Clare Dixon from CAFOD. Please bring your own lunch if you are attending over the lunchtime period. Tea and coffee will be provided. contact Sue Grubic - or by text on 07791444417 

St Paul’s (Grange) are holding their Annual Christmas Tree Festival again this year. St Charles has participated for a number of years and have been invited again this year. If you would like to be involved, please contact me for further details. It’s not something I can do alone so if ‘no takers’, we will not participate this year. Thanks. Anne Clough


CAFOD: Please return your Harvest Fast envelopes this Sunday.


For full newsletter, please click here

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